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Character Bios

Here you will find what the Cowboy Bebop characters are like. You can take a test to see which character you're most like by clicking on the image.

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Spike Spiegal

Sex: Male
Age: 27
Height: 185cm (approx. 6' 0")
Blood type: O
Home: Mars
Sign: Gemini
Dislikes: Kids, Pets, and Women with attitudes

Spike is the main character of Cowboy Bebop. He used to be a member of the Red Dragons syndicate (mafia) but left 3 years ago. He is a clumsy, but serious bounty hunter and fighter. He is a master at "Jeet Kune Do", a type of martial art fighting that was developed by the late Bruce Lee. He is partners with Jet Black (captain of the Bebop) and flies the Swordfish II. Two people from his past still haunt him, Vicious and Julia. He knew them best while he was is the Red Dragons and they are the cause of his mysterious past.

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Jet Black

Sex: Male
Age: 36
Sign: Sagittarius
Blood Type: A
Height: 188cm

Jet is Spike's partner. He is the owner and Captain of the Bebop. He also has a smaller ship called the Hammer. He is a retired ISSP officer. He keeps in contact with his friends in the ISSP to get updates on bountys. He has a bionical left arm. It was shot off while he was in the ISSP. You won't find out what happened to it unless you watch the series. He is known as the "Black Dog" because when he was after somebody and had a 'bite', he wouldn't let go. He was the best in the ISSP until he left and became a bounty hunter. Now he's one of the best bounty hunters along side with Spike.


Sex: Female
Age: 23
Sign: Leo
Blood Type: B
Height: 168cm

Faye is a tough girl. She also has a little problem when spending her money, she seems to spend it all (including money that isn't even hers). She pilots the Redtail. She has a bounty on her head because she didn't pay off medical bill when she was put into criogenic sleep. She was in an accident when she was younger and put into criogenic sleep to save he life. She looks 23 but technicallty she's really in her 50s or 60s. she has no memory of who she was, all she knows is her name but the doctor named her. She spends her time trying to get by with out loosing too much money and trying to discover who she is and was.

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