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Click image to take the test to see which Cowboy Bebop Character you're like Ed and Ein

Name: Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky 4th
Sex: Female
Home: Earth
Age: 13
Sign: Capricorn
Blood Type: AB
Height: 136cm

Ed is a female, yes a female. She was abandoned by her father and left at a daycare. She named herself. She is probably the best hacker there is. Her nick name on the net is Radical Edward. She can get annoying sometimes but she's always there to make you laugh. Ein is the dog on the show. Now this dog is no ordinary dog. He was an experiment and became what is known as a DATA dog. He out-smarts everyone on the Bebop.


Name: Vicious
Home: ?Mars?
Age: 27
Sign: ?
Blood Type: ?
Height: ?

Not much information is given on Vicious. He is the villan of Cowboy Bebop. He is a cold-hearted killer and will do anything to get to Spike to kill him himself. He and Spike used to be partners in the Red Dragon Syndicate until one person got in the way. Julia and Vicious had a relationship together but Julia left Vicious for Spike and that caused Vicious to hate Spike so much. He carrys a katana around for his weapon and is considered a snake buy the elders of the Red Dragons.
Click image to take the test to see which Cowboy Bebop Character you're like

Click image to take the test to see which Cowboy Bebop Character you're like Julia

Name: Julia
Home: ?
Age: ?
Sign: ?
Blood Type: ?
Height: ?

Not much information is given either. Julia is the cause of Vicious' and Spike's friendship's destruction. She disappeared 3 years ago, when Spike left the Red Dragons. She does not appear in the series until the end. She is Spike's lost love and is one of the causes of Spike misery.